Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Yes yes, I know it's been a while. Sorry, dear readers. After my brief lapse in confidence/commitment/sanity I'm back with a vengeance!

I can assure you that I have been dancing and walking for my exercise, and eating sensibly. I won't bore you with the details, and in any case it's not about specifics, but achieving balance. On days when I'm not so active, I find I don't eat so much. Of course stress makes me crave carbs, but there are ways of relieving stress. Not all of them dirty.

So, no longer will there be largely meaningless lists of food and exercise, but a new measure of progress.

Yes, my friends. I have bought myself a tape measure.

This used to be my worst enemy, second only to the dreaded bathroom scales. I have long since discarded the scales, along with the BMI. Neither are terribly reliable, especially when you're genetically stocky (thanks, dad). In any case my waist-to-hip ratio (used to determine your heart disease risk) is really very good. This basically just means that compared to my waist I have a rather large arse.

While I may very well be Bootylicious, my aim is to be a little bit less so. At the very least, this will make buying jeans a lot easier.

Here, therefore, are my current measurements:

Bust: 92cm
Waist: 71cm
High Hip (around the hip bone): 89cm
Low Hip (the widest bit): 104cm
Bicep: 27cm

The goal is to get the high and low hips closer in measurement (eliminating the saddle bags, in other words), tone up the arms (hence the bicep measurement), and keep the waist-to-hip ratio roughly the same.

I'll be measuring weekly, so as not to get all OCD about it, and posting about as often.

It shall be done!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Om nom nom

Today's Food:
The remains of the Desperation Dessert (see yesterday's post)
The usual coffee
2 glasses berry squash
1 cup of tea
Rhubarb and berry crumble with custard

Today's Exercise:
lol, exercise...

Oh. My. God. Yesterday I was whinging about falling off the wagon with my shitty dessert. If that was falling off, today I flew off, did a double somersault and landed on my head.

The housemates and I, to celebrate finally having a complete household, had a good old Sunday roast. A chicken, mashed swede, carrots, broccoli, roast potatoes and courgettes, smothered with lashings of gravy. And with rhubarb and berry crumble for dessert.

We had a great dinner, the three of us together, and had some quality housemate time. Pretty sure it was worth it. I can always do some extra exercise during the week. I don't think I'll be moving for the rest of this evening though.

And I definitely got my two fruit and five veg today. All at once!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today's Food:
2 slices french toast
the usual coffee
2 glasses berry squash
sweet potato shepherd's pie with lots of veg
1 cup of tea
Desperation Dessert

Today's Exercise:
Walking down to the shops (about 20 minutes total)
Cooking the shepherd's pie (stirring that shit is strenuous!)
Washing up from cooking the shepherd's pie (baked on crustiness, anyone?)

You may have noticed the 'desperation dessert' listed above. This is my shameful little secret. Well, it's not really a secret. Even less so now I'm blogging about it. It was invented in my student days when I had very little money and not a lot of exciting things in the cupboard. This was partly on purpose to try and limit the dessert consumption. Sadly that disgustingly decadent part of my brain is a devious little bastard and is excellent at coming up with ways to make sweet delights out of whatever's in the pantry.

Now, when I say 'delight', this is a very subjective thing. Owing to the desperate times, pretty much anything containing sugar could be construed as delightful. So usually, this particular 'dessert' contains flour, sugar, butter and sometimes milk. If there are exciting things around like honey, vanilla essence, oats or LSA mix, in they go too. It's like bubble and squeak for those with low blood sugar. It's also undoubtedly very unhealthy, and makes you feel a little bit ill if you eat too much. In this case, too much is anything more than about three spoonfuls.

I suppose I'm allowed an indulgence every now and then, but this 'food' is really rather pathetic. If I want to break out and indulge, there are far better things to choose. Pretty much anything, in fact.

No problem, we move on. This is where I learn to put these little slips behind me, pick myself up and carry on.

Isn't it?

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Time Is It?

Today's Food:
3 slices soy and linseed French toast.
the usual coffee
2 cups of tea
5 glasses berry squash
Chicken fricassee

Today's Exercise:
Ummm, does bouncing around while singing count?

I really need to stop sleeping. Not completely, obviously. That would just make me really irritable and fall over a lot. Well, a lot more.

Last night I went to bed about 2am (which, in my unemployed state is actually rather early), and didn't get up today until 1pm. Do the maths and that's 11 hours of sleep. Either there's something mum's not telling me and I'm actually half cat (not entirely unlikely, given mum's love of cats), I have some kind of sleep-inducing disease, or someone's slipping me roofies. Every night.

After a modicum of internet research, however, I have discovered that a lack of sleep actually increases your appetite. It makes your body produce these crazy chemicals that make you hungry. Technically, this should be helping me right now, but on the flip side, sleeping excessively is also a symptom of depression.

Sigh. This is old news.

There are very complex co-relationships between sleep, depression and weight gain/loss. I'm no scientist,  so trying to work it all out to my advantage is doing my head in and make me even more depressed. Exercise helps, unless you're asleep or too depressed to leave the couch.

So, please wake me in the morning and tell me to go exercise.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Making Friends with My Body

Today's Food:
2 slices soy and linseed toast with butter
the usual morning coffee
Ham and veg omelette
Small decaf soy latte
Chicken fricassee
2 cups of tea
3 glasses berry squash

Today's exercise:
1 hour Alexander Technique lesson (not strenuous, but really beneficial)
Walking to a job interview (probs 20 minutes)
Moving Dave's old mattress downstairs

This morning I got up at an ungodly hour. Ok, it was 9.30am and I'd already hit snooze about three times, but hey - such are the challenges of the unemployed. The reason for this was an Alexander Technique lesson. For those of you not familiar, this is a technique developed by a guy called Alexander (surprise, surprise). He was an actor at the turn of last century who was having some voice issues, and he worked out that it was unnecessary tension in the body that was inhibiting him.

I have a crapload of tension.

So I've been going to private lessons where a lovely, well-spoken English lady gets me to walk around the room and then teaches me how to sit. Lest you think I'll be entered in the next All-England Pedigree Dog Show, let me tell you just how much of a help it's been, even after only two lessons. Just being aware of what my body is doing has helped free it up.

I've always had a love/hate relationship with my body. The curves are great but I fall over a lot. My knees are, shall we say, not in original condition. This throws my back out, and my hips and shoulders get really tight. Three years of institutional dance training didn't help an awful lot. I'm having to undo a lot of bad habits. In the back of my mind, I've been afraid to use my body properly, in case it just didn't work or I hurt myself. It was this fear that was actually doing the most damage, causing tension that had a knock-on effect both physically and psychologically.

So now I'm making friends with my body. Learning to let it do what it was designed to do. Not being unconsciously afraid to get up and move around.

Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks.

(for more about Alexander Technique, visit

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Forgetfulness is a Curse, but Stairs Are Awesome

Today's Food:
2 eggs on soy and linseed toast with butter
1 glass berry squash
1 cup of coffee with sugar and low fat coffee mate
1 cup of hot Pei Pa Koa (Chinese herbal syrup)
1 cup Earl Grey tea with one sugar
Chicken Fricassee with rice

Today's Exercise:
Walk down to the shops and back (about 20 minutes total)
1 hour Burlesque class at Pineapple Studios
Walking up and down the stairs at Pineapple (omg a workout by itself)

They say that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Now, I don't really believe in Hell (except as the component of a good curse), but no one said anything about forgetting what your intentions were in the first place.

A common situation for me is saying to myself 'No, I don't need to have that snack', then going off to do something, and the next thing you know I'm stuffing my face with half a dozen cherry bakewells. I don't know how it happens, but I just forget all about controlling myself and not giving in to my urges. There's like a little censor inside my head, a vindictive little shit that prevents all the healthy, sensible thoughts getting filed away.

Today, however, I got home from dance class (which was awesome) and thought to myself 'No, I don't need to make myself some toast', then had a shower. Afterwards I very nearly went to grab the bread, BUT THEN I DIDN'T!

It's a small achievement, yes, but trust me, it's these little self-sabotaging things that creep up and bite you in the still-massive butt.

Also, Burlesque class is a great way of feeling good about your body. Not only is it exercise, but the moves are specifically designed to MAKE YOU LOOK GOOD, no matter what size or shape you are. I realised that my legs are actually skinnier than I thought, despite the bulge that makes it looks like my hip bones are halfway down my thighs.

I definitely got my Burlesque mojo back, and I've made myself a promise (which the shitty little censor won't touch) that when I've reached my goal, Miss K is getting her Burlesque on for the edification of a delightful audience. Yeah yeah there's details to be worked out, like a venue, costume, music, etc. but pfft, I'm on a mission, dammit!

Better go make myself some new pasties....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Note to Self: Alcohol is Not Your Friend

Today's food:
Two slices of soy and linseed toast with butter
instant coffee with one sugar and low-fat coffee mate
Pesto chicken salad
Berry flavoured water
3 glasses summer berry squash
5-bean chilli and rice
2 pints of Grolsch (oops)

Today's Exercise
Wandering the streets of London for a few hours (not great but better than sitting on my ass playing The Sims)

Ok I've realised that alcohol makes you do stupid things. Granted, I've known this for a while (as those of my dear readers who know me will testify), but it also makes you eat stupid things. Also, beer contains an enormous amount of calories.


So, I feel that I'll be needing to give up alcohol for the forseeable future. Drastic, maybe, but since this will be easier than exercising like a maniac to make up for drunken snacking on inappropriate delights, it shall be done.

Guess I won't be needing that half-bottle of wine in the fridge....

Monday, April 11, 2011

Here We Go....

Ok so, you might not think that this Blog needs to be created, that I'm fine just the way I am, blah blah blah...

However, at 5'3" and around about 70kg (yes, there's no hiding things here), I'm most definitely overweight, and as an actor, I need to be at my best. Pretty sure Elle Woods isn't a size 12. So I'm saying bye bye to my butt. I'm hoping the boobs stay as they are.

This is me a few months ago - I'm a bit smaller now but not much:

So, my mission is to lose 10kg and two dress sizes, without falling off the wagon or going insane. Or resorting to bulimia. This will be a bit tricky because I love my food. Observe:

Also observe the bingo wings going on under those arms. Guh. 

Herein I shall chronicle my progress, in the hope that making it all completely public, and thus open to both scrutiny and encouragement, will provide enough motivation to keep me going. Pictures will be provided at various stages - please comment on them in a completely honest manner. If you're mean I'll tell you to fuck off and then have a little cry, but it all helps. Promise. 

I had a last meal of KFC last night (mostly due to depression and cocktails), and henceforth I'll be eating well and exercising at every opportunity. That's the plan, anyway. If I fail to do any of this, feel free to berate me. It's all about motivation!

It will be done! I will be skinny and healthy by the end of Summer!