Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Yes yes, I know it's been a while. Sorry, dear readers. After my brief lapse in confidence/commitment/sanity I'm back with a vengeance!

I can assure you that I have been dancing and walking for my exercise, and eating sensibly. I won't bore you with the details, and in any case it's not about specifics, but achieving balance. On days when I'm not so active, I find I don't eat so much. Of course stress makes me crave carbs, but there are ways of relieving stress. Not all of them dirty.

So, no longer will there be largely meaningless lists of food and exercise, but a new measure of progress.

Yes, my friends. I have bought myself a tape measure.

This used to be my worst enemy, second only to the dreaded bathroom scales. I have long since discarded the scales, along with the BMI. Neither are terribly reliable, especially when you're genetically stocky (thanks, dad). In any case my waist-to-hip ratio (used to determine your heart disease risk) is really very good. This basically just means that compared to my waist I have a rather large arse.

While I may very well be Bootylicious, my aim is to be a little bit less so. At the very least, this will make buying jeans a lot easier.

Here, therefore, are my current measurements:

Bust: 92cm
Waist: 71cm
High Hip (around the hip bone): 89cm
Low Hip (the widest bit): 104cm
Bicep: 27cm

The goal is to get the high and low hips closer in measurement (eliminating the saddle bags, in other words), tone up the arms (hence the bicep measurement), and keep the waist-to-hip ratio roughly the same.

I'll be measuring weekly, so as not to get all OCD about it, and posting about as often.

It shall be done!

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