Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Forgetfulness is a Curse, but Stairs Are Awesome

Today's Food:
2 eggs on soy and linseed toast with butter
1 glass berry squash
1 cup of coffee with sugar and low fat coffee mate
1 cup of hot Pei Pa Koa (Chinese herbal syrup)
1 cup Earl Grey tea with one sugar
Chicken Fricassee with rice

Today's Exercise:
Walk down to the shops and back (about 20 minutes total)
1 hour Burlesque class at Pineapple Studios
Walking up and down the stairs at Pineapple (omg a workout by itself)

They say that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Now, I don't really believe in Hell (except as the component of a good curse), but no one said anything about forgetting what your intentions were in the first place.

A common situation for me is saying to myself 'No, I don't need to have that snack', then going off to do something, and the next thing you know I'm stuffing my face with half a dozen cherry bakewells. I don't know how it happens, but I just forget all about controlling myself and not giving in to my urges. There's like a little censor inside my head, a vindictive little shit that prevents all the healthy, sensible thoughts getting filed away.

Today, however, I got home from dance class (which was awesome) and thought to myself 'No, I don't need to make myself some toast', then had a shower. Afterwards I very nearly went to grab the bread, BUT THEN I DIDN'T!

It's a small achievement, yes, but trust me, it's these little self-sabotaging things that creep up and bite you in the still-massive butt.

Also, Burlesque class is a great way of feeling good about your body. Not only is it exercise, but the moves are specifically designed to MAKE YOU LOOK GOOD, no matter what size or shape you are. I realised that my legs are actually skinnier than I thought, despite the bulge that makes it looks like my hip bones are halfway down my thighs.

I definitely got my Burlesque mojo back, and I've made myself a promise (which the shitty little censor won't touch) that when I've reached my goal, Miss K is getting her Burlesque on for the edification of a delightful audience. Yeah yeah there's details to be worked out, like a venue, costume, music, etc. but pfft, I'm on a mission, dammit!

Better go make myself some new pasties....

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