Monday, April 11, 2011

Here We Go....

Ok so, you might not think that this Blog needs to be created, that I'm fine just the way I am, blah blah blah...

However, at 5'3" and around about 70kg (yes, there's no hiding things here), I'm most definitely overweight, and as an actor, I need to be at my best. Pretty sure Elle Woods isn't a size 12. So I'm saying bye bye to my butt. I'm hoping the boobs stay as they are.

This is me a few months ago - I'm a bit smaller now but not much:

So, my mission is to lose 10kg and two dress sizes, without falling off the wagon or going insane. Or resorting to bulimia. This will be a bit tricky because I love my food. Observe:

Also observe the bingo wings going on under those arms. Guh. 

Herein I shall chronicle my progress, in the hope that making it all completely public, and thus open to both scrutiny and encouragement, will provide enough motivation to keep me going. Pictures will be provided at various stages - please comment on them in a completely honest manner. If you're mean I'll tell you to fuck off and then have a little cry, but it all helps. Promise. 

I had a last meal of KFC last night (mostly due to depression and cocktails), and henceforth I'll be eating well and exercising at every opportunity. That's the plan, anyway. If I fail to do any of this, feel free to berate me. It's all about motivation!

It will be done! I will be skinny and healthy by the end of Summer! 


  1. Good luck! Good you're starting now too, the UK is notorious for weight gain. The curry is just too good!

  2. Oh and I do love a curry. As evidenced by the pic.

    This is going to be hard...

  3. Hey love it's Becs! All the best with the weight loss, you can totally do it. I did it with exercise and calorie control (I didn't really have a high fat diet apart from the occasional curry, I just have a problem with wanting to snack all day long and have big portions... basically I love food too much. All day long. Forever.) and it's hard but worth it! I stuck to 1200 a day when I was being really good, 1500 when I was maintaining, if that's any use to you. The only other thing I'll say is don't let your advised BMI determine what weight you should be - you probably know all this but it doesn't take into account your body shape or bone structure. I'm 5'4 so not that much taller than you and according to the BMI chart I should be 62kg to be just inside the 'healthy weight' bracket, but I couldn't have made it much lower than 65kg and been able to maintain it long-term... plus I'm an hourglass like you and we're actually meant to be curvy. Oh look, there's my weight plastered all over the internet. Good...
    Really, there should be a 'body shape' box on the BMI forms. Seeing the weight go down on the scales is a massive confidence and motivation boost but now I go by clothes and inches (and how bloated I feel after a massive piece of naan bread dipped in korma, dipped in rice.. )
    Anyway, hope some of that was vaguely useful. Good luck lady, you can do it! xxx

  4. Hey Kiki!
    Good on you - I'm embarking on the same journey right now! I've gotten so big that I don't even fit in my 'fat clothes'. I feel uncomfortable at this weight and not at all like myself! So... I've joined the gym (I've also stopped dancing though) and am eating better. Hopefully it's a winning combination!

    It's funny that you made a comment about your arm though, because my first thought when I saw that photo was how skinny your arm looked! You've lost weight since Seussical days, yes?

    Love xoxo

  5. Yep, I've lost a bit since Seussical, but I've got a way to go! Why are you not dancing Pia?! Tragedy!

  6. I've 'retired'. I think I burnt myself out over the past few years. I may go back and do a class every now and then but right now, I couldn't think of anything worse!! :(
