Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Note to Self: Alcohol is Not Your Friend

Today's food:
Two slices of soy and linseed toast with butter
instant coffee with one sugar and low-fat coffee mate
Pesto chicken salad
Berry flavoured water
3 glasses summer berry squash
5-bean chilli and rice
2 pints of Grolsch (oops)

Today's Exercise
Wandering the streets of London for a few hours (not great but better than sitting on my ass playing The Sims)

Ok I've realised that alcohol makes you do stupid things. Granted, I've known this for a while (as those of my dear readers who know me will testify), but it also makes you eat stupid things. Also, beer contains an enormous amount of calories.


So, I feel that I'll be needing to give up alcohol for the forseeable future. Drastic, maybe, but since this will be easier than exercising like a maniac to make up for drunken snacking on inappropriate delights, it shall be done.

Guess I won't be needing that half-bottle of wine in the fridge....


  1. and you will save money too! you can do it :)

  2. I wonder if you use the wine in cooking, if the 'bad' part will evaporate...

    Shame to waste it!! :P

    (Not very supportive - I realise, but I could REALLY do with a wine right now)... maybe you could dilute it with ice and water and have a teeny tiny glass? :)
