Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today's Food:
2 slices french toast
the usual coffee
2 glasses berry squash
sweet potato shepherd's pie with lots of veg
1 cup of tea
Desperation Dessert

Today's Exercise:
Walking down to the shops (about 20 minutes total)
Cooking the shepherd's pie (stirring that shit is strenuous!)
Washing up from cooking the shepherd's pie (baked on crustiness, anyone?)

You may have noticed the 'desperation dessert' listed above. This is my shameful little secret. Well, it's not really a secret. Even less so now I'm blogging about it. It was invented in my student days when I had very little money and not a lot of exciting things in the cupboard. This was partly on purpose to try and limit the dessert consumption. Sadly that disgustingly decadent part of my brain is a devious little bastard and is excellent at coming up with ways to make sweet delights out of whatever's in the pantry.

Now, when I say 'delight', this is a very subjective thing. Owing to the desperate times, pretty much anything containing sugar could be construed as delightful. So usually, this particular 'dessert' contains flour, sugar, butter and sometimes milk. If there are exciting things around like honey, vanilla essence, oats or LSA mix, in they go too. It's like bubble and squeak for those with low blood sugar. It's also undoubtedly very unhealthy, and makes you feel a little bit ill if you eat too much. In this case, too much is anything more than about three spoonfuls.

I suppose I'm allowed an indulgence every now and then, but this 'food' is really rather pathetic. If I want to break out and indulge, there are far better things to choose. Pretty much anything, in fact.

No problem, we move on. This is where I learn to put these little slips behind me, pick myself up and carry on.

Isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Not so much a slip - it wasn't a binge... just a little treaty to keep you going.

    I had buckwheat pancakes with honey and berries this morning for brunch. A far cry from my usual green smoothie, but I felt like something a little indulgent without going overboard.
    Have a look at my blog for the photo :) It really hit the sugar spot!!

